BCI ‘entices’ public officials with an offer of 100 thousand Kz to recover customers who abandoned the bank after credit suspension.

A banking institution owned by the Carrinho family is now facing losses after seeing a large group of customers fleeing and closing their salary accounts at that bank. According to economic agents, the basis for the flight of customers is the “poor provision of banking services”, a case that worsened with the cut in salary credit after Grupo Carrinho entered the business.

The campaign, which should last a month, is a strategy by the banking institution to recover its customer base and seek back those who abandoned that bank for various reasons linked to the provision of services and the offering of banking services.

According to opinions from former bank customers expressed on social media pages spread across the Internet, it was the “poor service provision” and “cutting of credit products” that forced several customers of that banking institution to withdraw. “When it was a state bank, we had access to all services and could make a series of credit requests. With the privatization of the bank, we lost these facilities and abandoned the bank”, commented a customer.

In fact, it is worth remembering that BCI lost, with Grupo Carrinho's entry into the business, several clients, the majority of whom were public sector workers and private individuals who looked to the former state bank for a solution to their financial problems.

Most of the customers who fled BCI ran to the competition, namely Banco de Poupança e Crédito (BPC) and BAI, entities that, according to economic agents, distinguish themselves from the competition due to “the greater offer and agility in credit solutions.

On the contrary, the BCI dropped several credit products, with emphasis on salary credit, of which several workers from public companies were beneficiaries, namely staff from the National Assembly, from Edições Novembro (Jornal de Angola), from the National Bank of Angola (BNA ), Defense and Security bodies, among others.

With the cut in the credit service, and because BCI is after the bank's debtors, several people gave up on that institution.

Just to give you an idea, BCI's customer base amounted to more than one million customers, almost 90% of whom were employees of the State and/or public companies.

Currently, Grupo Carrinho's bank only has 858,240 customers in its base, a number that grew 16% in 2023 compared to 2022 due to a program by the bank to include family farmers supported by Carrinho Agri in the BCI customer list.

If farmers, who became BCI customers under the simplified accounts program, the bank's customer base would be even lower.

In its campaign launch note, BCI informs that the “Public Employee Bonus is a benefit that consists of the attribution of a bonus in the monetary value of 100,000 Kz to public employees who deposit their salary with BCI and cumulatively subscribe to one of the Integrated Solutions”.

To cope with the loss of customers and attract new customers, BCI adds diversified credit packages to the ‘enticement’, with emphasis on the Platinum Package (access to Pre-approved Credit for up to 10 salaries); Premium package (access to Pre-approved Credit for up to 6 salaries); Mais Salário package (access to Prepaid Credit for up to 5 salaries).

More Benefits

Among the benefits, BCI also adds access to Commercial Partnership Credit for purchasing goods in up to 12 installments; access to authorized overdraft of up to 25% of salary, permanently renewable; other additional benefits that must be consulted in the Information Sheet of the Package subscribed.

BCI ‘entices’ public officials with an offer of 100 thousand Kz to recover customers who abandoned the bank after credit suspension

A banking institution owned by the Carrinho family is now facing losses after seeing a large group of customers fleeing and closing their salary accounts at that bank. According to economic agents, the basis for the flight of customers is the “poor provision of banking services”, a case that worsened with the cut in salary credit after Grupo Carrinho entered the business.

Jun 4, 2024 - 16:35
BCI ‘entices’ public officials with an offer of 100 thousand Kz to recover customers who abandoned the bank after credit suspension
© Photography by: DR
BCI ‘entices’ public officials with an offer of 100 thousand Kz to recover customers who abandoned the bank after credit suspension

The campaign, which should last a month, is a strategy by the banking institution to recover its customer base and seek back those who abandoned that bank for various reasons linked to the provision of services and the offering of banking services.

According to opinions from former bank customers expressed on social media pages spread across the Internet, it was the “poor service provision” and “cutting of credit products” that forced several customers of that banking institution to withdraw. “When it was a state bank, we had access to all services and could make a series of credit requests. With the privatization of the bank, we lost these facilities and abandoned the bank”, commented a customer.

In fact, it is worth remembering that BCI lost, with Grupo Carrinho's entry into the business, several clients, the majority of whom were public sector workers and private individuals who looked to the former state bank for a solution to their financial problems.

Most of the customers who fled BCI ran to the competition, namely Banco de Poupança e Crédito (BPC) and BAI, entities that, according to economic agents, distinguish themselves from the competition due to “the greater offer and agility in credit solutions.

On the contrary, the BCI dropped several credit products, with emphasis on salary credit, of which several workers from public companies were beneficiaries, namely staff from the National Assembly, from Edições Novembro (Jornal de Angola), from the National Bank of Angola (BNA ), Defense and Security bodies, among others.

With the cut in the credit service, and because BCI is after the bank's debtors, several people gave up on that institution.

Just to give you an idea, BCI's customer base amounted to more than one million customers, almost 90% of whom were employees of the State and/or public companies.

Currently, Grupo Carrinho's bank only has 858,240 customers in its base, a number that grew 16% in 2023 compared to 2022 due to a program by the bank to include family farmers supported by Carrinho Agri in the BCI customer list.

If farmers, who became BCI customers under the simplified accounts program, the bank's customer base would be even lower.

In its campaign launch note, BCI informs that the “Public Employee Bonus is a benefit that consists of the attribution of a bonus in the monetary value of 100,000 Kz to public employees who deposit their salary with BCI and cumulatively subscribe to one of the Integrated Solutions”.

To cope with the loss of customers and attract new customers, BCI adds diversified credit packages to the ‘enticement’, with emphasis on the Platinum Package (access to Pre-approved Credit for up to 10 salaries); Premium package (access to Pre-approved Credit for up to 6 salaries); Mais Salário package (access to Prepaid Credit for up to 5 salaries).

More Benefits

Among the benefits, BCI also adds access to Commercial Partnership Credit for purchasing goods in up to 12 installments; access to authorized overdraft of up to 25% of salary, permanently renewable; other additional benefits that must be consulted in the Information Sheet of the Package subscribed.

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